
Tuesday, April 26, 2011

World Science Festival

Last year my mom went to The World Science Festival but I was pregnant and trying to not be put on bedrest so I didn't go. This year though we are definately going!

There are a lot of really interesting events this year like:

It’s the thought of your childhood home. It’s that comforting aroma you can still smell ten years later. It’s the way you define yourself. It’s your memory. Where is memory stored? How do we recall? Why do we forget? We’ll shine a light on these and many other questions about memory from a molecular, psychological, and emotional perspective. Discover how your long-term memories can be naturally twisted, tweaked, and changed. Understand how memories of the past can also help us peer into the future. And explore the bumpy road even a youthful mind sometimes travels when experiencing déjà vu, succumbing to suggestibility, or having a “senior” moment. 

We spend a third of our lives asleep. Every organism on Earth—from rats to dolphins to fruit flies to microorganisms—relies on sleep for its survival, yet science is still wrestling with a fundamental question: Why does sleep exist? During Shakespeare and Cervantes’ time, sleep was likened to death, with body and mind falling into a deep stillness before resurrecting each new day. In reality, sleep is a flurry of action. Trillions of neurons light up. The endocrine system kicks into overdrive. The bloodstream is flooded with a potent cocktail of critically vital hormones. Such vibrant activity begs the question: Where do we go when we go to sleep? Based on new sleep research, there are tantalizing signposts. Join us in exploring this slumbering journey. We’ll delve into the one-eyed, half-brained sleep of some animals; eavesdrop on dreams to understand their cognitive significance; and investigate extreme and bizarre sleeping behaviors like “sleep sex” and “sleep violence.” 

In recent years, machines have grown increasingly capable of listening, communicating, and learning—transforming the way they collaborate with us, and significantly impacting our economy, health, and daily routines.  Who, or what, are these thinking machines? As we teach them to become more sophisticated, how will they complement our lives?  What will separate their ways of thinking from ours? And what happens when these machines understand data, concepts, and behaviors too big or impenetrable for humans to grasp? Join us in a discussion that will have you thinking twice about artificial intelligence.

Some of the events are free and some of them you need a ticket for. Check out the website to see all 11 events.

We are going to the Youth & Family Street Fair on Sunday June 5th. It's free and I know my little scientist would love it.
The Washington Square Park area will be transformed into a science wonderland when the World Science Festival Youth and Family Street Fair returns to New York City on Sunday, June 5, 2011.  This year’s extravaganza will feature a non-stop program of interactive exhibits, experiments, games, and shows designed to entertain and inspire.  Join us for a full day of free family fun!  Performances and exhibits will include Dancing Mad Scientist Jeffrey Vinokur; Franklin Institute’s Traveling Scientists; Central Park Zoo’s Wild Life Theater; Characters from the Jim Henson Company’s Dinosaur Train and Sid the Science Kid television shows; American Museum of Natural History’s Moveable Museum—Dinosaurs: Ancient Fossils, New Discoveries; Lynn Brunelle’s Pop Bottle Science and Camp Out Experiments; The Science of Ping Pong; New York City/ New Jersey FIRST Robotics; What Lies Beneath: Science of Underwater Exploration; The Smell Lab: Test your smell IQ; The CSI Experience; and much more.

I hope to see you there!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Ella has the Chicken Pox!

Ella has her first illness, and honestly, it's not too bad. I don't know where she got it from but Ella has the chicken pox.

On Friday she had a little red bump on the bridge of her nose which everyone thought was a pimple. Saturday she had a couple red bumps in her diaper area which I thought was just diaper rash. Then Sunday morning there were a ton more bumps in her diaper area, all down her leg, creeping up her back and in her neck. We weren't sure what it was, but we guessed chicken pox.

I called the doctor and he asked if her was cranky and had a fever. Not really. Ella is such a good baby. He said he didn't think it was chicken pox. We made an appointment for Monday morning anyway.

On Monday a different doctor looked at her and kept asking if we fed her something. Nope, just breastmilk. If we changed her laundry detergent. Nope, we've always used either Seventh Generation Free & Clear or ECOS Free & Clear. If we put clothes on her without washing them. Nope, we always wash her clothes in either 7th Gen or ecos and all her clothes are either organic cotton or organic wool. She said it didn't look like chicken pox to her and she would give us a prescription for Benadryl, and said we could bring her to the dermatologist if we wanted.

We asked for a second opinion. Ella's regualar doctor came in and said, "could be chicken pox." The woman doctor said, "but it's not presenting like chicken pox. Chicken pox usually appears on the torso." The doctor said have you been around anyoe who has gotten the chicken pox vaccine lately? That's right people. If you give your child the chicken pox vaccine your child could be contageous and give another child chicken pox! Worse your child can give someone shingles which is extremely painful and causes three times as many deaths as chicken pox! Check out Harmony Health and Wellness for some more disturbing information. The chicken pox vaccine puts other people at risk, such as 5 month old babies. Ridiculous, luckily it wasn't even that bad.

I told the doctor, I wanted it documented that she has had the chicken pox so it won't be a problem when I don't want to vaccinate her later. So they wrote me a referral to go to a clinic. Poor baby Ella had her blood drawn for the test.

On Tuesday she started to get really cranky and her little red bumped started to become big puss filed bumps. Yuck. I really didn'y want to give her benadryl so we gave her an oatmeal bath instead.

It made her a lot happier, and she was able to take along nap :)

So, I have no idea where Ella got the chicken pox from. but thankfully she is finally getting over it. But this visit is making me think that doctors are pretty useless for all their "training" and high cost. It seems all the pediatrician does is look at her height, weight and head circumference and ask if she is developing well which is would know just by reading What to Expect: the First Year. If there are any problems their either prescribe something or tell us to go to the hospital or a specialist. I'm getting a little annoyed.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

imagine childhood giveaway

One of my favorite blogs imagine childhood is having an amazing Earth Day giveaway. They are giving away 1 Organic Cotton Backpack, 1 Sturdy Metal Compass, 1 Set Nature Study Cards and 1 Wooden LED Flashlight. I've never even seen or heard of a wooden flashlight! I know Liam would love this explorer set. Good Luck!

I found the wooden flaslights: imagine childhood sells them for $47

Monday, April 11, 2011

Rag Rug

We have beautiful wood floors in our Living Room/ PlayRoom/ Dinning Room. However, if we drop anything on the floor or if Liam and Bill are wrestling to loudly it is very loud downstairs. We can't afford a lovely wool rug, and I don't want to put down a plastic VOC leaching rug so I decided to make a rag rug. I don't really have any rags, except for Bill's black T-shirts (which really wouldn't match our room). So I went out and bought 6 yards of 36" wide unbleached muslin.
Liam was really excited by how long it was so we made a circle for him to march around :)

Ella watched while I cut the muslin in half so I have 2 sets of 3 yards by 36".

Then I cut it in half again so I have 4 sets of 3 yards by 18"

Then I cut it in half so I have 8 sets of 3 yards by 9"

Liam practiced balance beam walking when I folded it in 3.
Finally I cut it in 3, so I have 24 strips of 3 yards my 3".

Now I'm ready to start braiding.

First, I take 3 strips and tie a knot at one end.

Then I do a standard 3 strand braid.

When I get to the end of the 3 yards. I have to splice another 3 yards onto the end of my rope.

First, I cut a hole in the end of each of the strands on my rope.

Then, I cut a hole in the end of each of the new strands.

Then I push the new strand throught the hole in the old strand.

Then I loop the new strand around and push it through the hole in it'self.

Then I pull it tight.

I do this three times and I'm ready to keep braiding!
I haven't figured out yet how to keep the ends from poking out where they are spliced.

So, I finished the 6 yards then I bought another 5 yards and added it on using the same method. I have tons of rope!

Originally I had planned for Liam and I to do this project together. At first he helped then he got bored. Maybe if he was a little older and/or more focused he would be more help. Still, I think it's good for him to watch me make something. Although he'd rather use the rope to go mountain climbing than make it into a rug :D

When I start sewing it into a rug I'll write another post.

Good Luck!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

The 18 Minute Video Everyone Needs to See

The 18 Minute Video Everyone Needs to See If you are questioning if buying organic is worth the money. I you've ever said, "Well I didn't eat organic food and I'm fine why should I nspend the money for my kids to eat organic?" If you've ever wondered, "What is genetically modified (GMO) food anyway?" or if you just need a little boost in your confidence in your decision to protect your kids. You HAVE to watch this video!