
Saturday, February 5, 2011

Waldorf School and Finger Knitting

Bill and I went to the open house at the Waldorf School in Garden City today. It was pretty amazing. They only had wooden, wool, silk or cotton toys NO PLASTIC. They serve organic vegetarian food. They go out for recess twice a day n matter what the weather. The learn French and German starting in Kindergarten than Spanish later. They all learn how to play flute and violin. They learn t knit, do wood working and beeswax and clay molding. The classrooms are beautiful. The teacher and class stay they same from 1st grade to 8th grade. They believe in no media no TV, computers, video games. We really liked it. But it comes with a pretty hefty price tag $10,000 for Kindergarten, $17,000 for 1st grade and it gradually increases to $20,000 for 12th grade.They do have financial aid but its probably not like 90%. Bill thinks I can d it all at home. 

Anyway, when we were going through the school one of the coolest things was the knitting which they start in Kindergarten with finger knitting. I didn't know what finger knitting was so I looked it up. I found a youtube video about it.

It's suprisingly easy. So I tried it with Liam.

He really liked it at first. But towards the end of the 15 - 20 minutes it took to make this bracelet, Liam (the knitting astronaut) was bored. Still I'm really surprised he was able to sit still that long and do it. I'm really proud of him :)

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