Here are some of my all time favorite websites that I love to check out or buy from.
I love this website. It has all kinds of amazing all natural wooden toys. Last Christmas we bought Liam the Mama Pig and Cal's Coral. I plan on buying him one of their farm animals for Christmas every year. I wish I could buy him their awesome kitchen set.
Raise your own butterflies, ladybugs, praying mantis, ants and more! How cool! Once it warms up a little more we are totally buying the butterfly kit and maybe the ant kit too.
Great for almost anything natural parenting you can think of. Cloth diapering, co-sleeping, baby wearing, gentle discipline, home schooling, crafting, delayed or non-vaccinating, vegan, vegetarian and raw recipes, home birthing, natural birthing, midwives, homeopathic and herbal medicine, I could go on. Billy got me a subscription to the magazine for Mother's Day because I had been buying it at Whole Food Market. This is my favorite site and favorite magazine.
Amazing prices for organic cotton baby and toddler clothing. made by the people who make Burt's bees these brightly colored bee striped clothing are super cute!
This is where I bought all my disana diapers and clothes, and my carrier. They also have great toys and art supplies.
Sckoon has super cute organic cotton clothes and mama pads but is usually out of our price range. Sometimes they have amazing deals like the organic cotton newborn kimono tops we bought for $7.99
It doesn't have the best prices for cloth diapers but does have the best information about them. Almost any cloth diaper they make you can find on here with pictures of that diaper on different sized babies and the pro and cons of that diaper an amazing resource.
This is a great place to get organic spices, herbs and tea. They also sell all kinds of tools for herbal medicine and beautiful teapots. They have discounts if you buy in bulk, and herbs take a really long time to go bad. They also have great instructional videos. I learned how to make Elderberry Syrup which is great for colds! We also bought a board game called Wildcraft which is great to teach how to use herbal medicines.
This is where I bought my organic cotton & wool car seat cover. To get 5% off use discount code: kara

I bought 100% boiled wool slippers here for Liam and myself. We love them, they are super warm. They have great prices on lots of outdoorsy things like wool ski socks, coats and hiking boots